Coronavirus Social Distancing has us headed in some direction? Whose in control?
Do you, did you dream of being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company this year or next year? Were you planning on buying that new home you've dreamed of for so many years? Do you still want to explore your passion of becoming an artist or a musician? We’ve are all being challenged due to Social Distancing and now you are stuck at home and probably wondering if your idea of success is still relevant?
According to Wikipedia — Social distancing, or physical distancing, is a set of non-pharmaceutical interventions or measures taken to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other.
Changing your mindset in normal times is no easy task. Change lots of folks hate and now with this Coronavirus situation you, we all need to have an open and positive mindset. Your ability to positively participate in this world wide stay at home situation is the key to surviving this Coronavirus Social Distancing Because We Are All In This Together. It truly is as simple as changing your mind, your thinking and it will change your life. Coronavirus requires may require you to change your current path and follow your current passion or a new passion to achieve your life's goals.
Passion Drives Focus
Connect to Your Passion By Paying Attention to the Whisper | Adriana Girdler | TEDxHickory
If you have not decided what you will do and what your life will be then someone or this current negative situation will decide your situation. It is still up to you to determine what your passions are and how those passions can still drive your day to day activities. Staying home, feeling locked up was definitely not planned and your next steps cannot be based on any judgment other than your own. Your Passions have not changed but is indeed the energy that will keep us all moving forward. It is through the act of deeply exploring your passion that you can go through the obstacles that Social Distancing is causing now. Because the future is unknown and there are lots of uncertainty in the future, it’s once again your passion, your beliefs and your actions that will encourage you to stay patient and end state focused despite these challenges.
Your Focus and Definition of Success Will Drive Your Next Steps
So what’s your definition of success? What did your passion tell you it looked like before Coronavirus? Was it wealth, was it some form of happiness driven by what you were doing? Success may be something material, or not which is what drives a lot of my musician friends. If you are driven to be with like minded individuals and perform for your fans, well social distancing makes that a no no right now. Success has no particular name or identity. There is no one method to describe what success is, other than your definition and it means something different to each individual. So yes its time to redefine your definition to deal with the journey before you.
Success Is a Journey, Not a Destination
All successful people, however, have one thing in common - they act and for many who know the secret, success is the journey. Since the journey in the end is the most important part of all and the journey now includes a new paradigm called social distancing. The journey is what you do when you move, grow, and build yourself and your business. How you execute the journey can be hard or easy. When your success is mandatory today and it is then you owe it to yourself to develop and follow a systematic process, a true solid road map.
Whats Your Coronavirus Social Distancing Blueprint
Conductors, Engineers follow a blueprint when they build a building. The people who build the building and their people are not necessarily schooled in construction or architecture of a building. Usually the brick layer knows how to lay bricks and the electrician puts the wires in the wall and the glass maker fills in the holes in the wall. Individually they are all great, but none of them are builders of buildings by themselves. The fact there is a project team that has a blueprint that is always used at the beginning of any construction or successful reconstruction. That is the lesson we should be aware of when we embark on our journey of rediscovery and redevelopment. Now you need to formulate your blueprint because as we said your success is in the steps of the journey to your destination. The blueprint drives the steps and ensures the destination can be reached. So what’s your blueprint? Your lifestyle driven project plan? The good part is you already have an outline, so now its time to define what it takes to build your modified career plan.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” ~ Norman Vincent Peale
Our actions are the practical manifestations of our thoughts. It is quite clear, therefore, that we must bring about a change in the way we think in order to create happiness and a sense of fulfillment in our life. A good thing about our brain is that it willingly adopts any changes that we bring about in our thinking patterns. Your mind controls your situation. Due to Coronavirus Social Distancing, it’s time for us to learn from the disappearance of life as we know it.
So don't put the burden of your success on yourself and try to do it all. There truly will be a new normal. So think about it, because when you change your mind it will force a change of your life. Part of your new success is to follow someone who has changed their life, think like them, grab their strategies but always be you. Follow their path, add in whats new because of Coronavirus but make your new plan, your own.
How have you been able to juggle work-life given the current situation? Lets us know below what you doing and thinking. Stay Safe Out There.